We love you, Bears, but this is the biggest Chicago sports news this week - News - News | Portillo's

We love you, Bears, but this is the biggest Chicago sports news this week Blog Title

Portillo’s is bun-believably excited for two Chicago sports partnership announcements that are sure to have Chicago sports fans on their feet.

The first is a new “Finish the Frank” promotion with the Chicago Fire. If the Fire attempt five or more corner kicks in a home match in 2024, everyone at the game wins a free Chicago-style hot dog.

The second is a continuation of a promotion with the Chicago Bulls that truly cuts the mustard. The “Fourth Quarter Franks” promotion, which began in 2019, has been renewed to offer Bulls game attendees in the 2024-2025 season a free Portillo’s hot dog when the opposing team misses two free throws in a row in the fourth quarter of a home game.

We're relish the chance to ketchup with Chicagoland sports fans over a delicious Chicago-style hot dog.



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